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Social Media Pulse

by on Sep.17, 2009, under Social Media

In the increasingly fast paced world of Social Media, we sometimes get behind. Yes it’s been nearly a whole month since our last post in this blog. Do we have a pulse? Yes, whew! As simple as this new media is to work with (That is, once it’s integrated properly, installed in the right place, designed for a nice look and feel, etc., etc.), it’s still hard to sit down and write about anything that pops up. There’s just so much other work to be done over the course of a day.

In the spirit of ‘Social’ and the idea of networking through these channels… I recently received a link request from a local event planner Connelly & Co. Celebrations who uses our flowers and supply products. I spent a few minutes reviewing the site linked to above to make sure the ‘referring’ site was relevant to what we do, etcetera (googlespeak) and replied that yes, we do accept links to our website from clients, customers and fans of Wholesale Flowers. I love it when we start to build a following. I really liked the work that I saw there so I spent a while longer checking it out once I got home. Very nice event planning design and presentation all around.

Speaking of ‘Fans’, we have implemented a Facebook presence to improve our ‘connection’ with clients and customers. Become a fan here.

We also try to ‘tweet’ daily regarding the state of things here. Sales? Specials? Closeouts? Interesting readings or posts online. Certainly Twitter allows us to quickly post that information, albeit in a limited amount of characters. I really like that concept and it’s much easier to maintain than feeling like 200-300 words is a post worth reading. Follow us on Twitter if you’d like.

My vote is (right now) for the TweetDeck application. My current, favorite Social Media tool/app.

My TweetDeck (with some stuff removed for privacy purposes)

My TweetDeck (with some stuff removed for privacy purposes)

See you online 🙂

:Social Media

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